You have no idea how frustrating it is to be ugly. It just makes you so vulnerable and insecure and prone to judgement.
Sometimes, people can just really bring you down you know? I mean even if it's just a joke or whatever, when you know it's true, it can kind of get to you, even if you know it shouldn't.
And when people are plain beautiful they get anything they want, while you have to work so hard just to get there?
Beauty.It's totally superficial yet it's what everyone aims for. Because when you look good, you feel mind-blowingly-amazing and when you feel amazing you gain confidence and great things start from there.
In fact, even if you aren't that confident, a bunch of great oppurtunities are still thrown your way, just because you're pretty or gorgeous or whatever. And gawd, you do not know how much I have to go through just to look decent enough or even reach the state close enough to pretty.
But no matter how many times I look back at the mirror, it never changes. I'll always be that dark skinned girl with the big fat lips. No matter how skinny I get, no matter how curly my hair grows, no matter how much make-up I put, no matter how poise I train myself to be, no matter what clothes I wear, my face will always stay the same. Honestly, it doesn't really matter if you're skinny or fat, or if you have bad taste in fashion (well maybe a little, but it's totally up to you to change that so it's pretty minimal) what really matters is face and color. It sucks how it's human instinct to bias beauty based on two simple things. Well, maybe those whose minds are on a higher level of sophistication and understanding might see the beauty of the exotic, but on a daily basis it's RARE.
Ok this was a stupid post. I love myself and I am grateful for the many many blessings I have.
I am beautiful but in a different kind of way.
And only the most special people in the world can perceive this kind of beauty. Hooray!
From the beautiful,
November 25, 2012
But girl, I don't know if you're going to believe me or not, but those first times I saw you I really thought you were one of those really pretty girls (of course later on I would realize that you are so much more than that). I don't understand how can you not like how you look like, you're really physically beautiful!
But I guess I do understand, because no matter how many people say how pretty I look I can never really see what they are seeing. Every time I look at the mirror all I see is this ugly fat faced thin haired dark eyed girl.
Oh wells, here's to society ruining us and our confidence! - Reina
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