Thursday, December 6, 2012

Prom Jerk

Dear Hyde,

Today was pretty good aside from the proven fact that my seatmate loathes me. It sucks, but I can't please everyone you know? So anyway, today me and Dawn had a bonding moment after Paige left for Berkeley and we talked about random stuff and then it somehow drifted off to Grass and Nick and just on and on. It was a great feeling having someone who knew exactly what I meant,it was a really fun conversation! So anyway, yesterday Ralph was pleading for Paige to meet up with him at Berkeley, like totally insistent, and Paige couldn't make up another excuse so she finally agreed. It's funny though how we were talking about the possibilities of Ralph asking her to prom, because it was a definite possibility. Paige actually knew Ralph's plans since Liam told her about it. I mean, Ralph is like, obsessed with Paige. So then, we were actually pretty sure she was going to get promposed to, that very day.
And yes Hyde, our hunch was right,
Ralph asked Paige to prom.

How Ralph promposed to Paige

Ok so I kind of really wanted to witness the whole thing, but the promposal was up to Ralph, and I guess he kind of wanted a one-on-one thing, so Paige went alone.

So umm, I really had to pee but  Dawn and I were too scared to go to the dark unpopulated lavatory at the caffe, nor did we want to hike up to the library all cause I had to go to the loo, but then her driver calls and she had to leave that instant so she couldn't accompany me anymore. And gawd, I was about to explode (uggh gross I know) so anyway I kind of asked Pam if I could go to Berkeley and use Ralph's loo.
( ok so i kind of used it as an excuse to come over and see how things were going..
and in all honesty, plainly to pee)

So I saw the photo of the promposal and the real thing, roses and all. I mean, it was really sweet and all but Paige doesn't really like Ralph. But she was extremely nice to him and said yes. So then, when I got there,I relieved myself, then sat around to witness their conversation about what song to pick for this duet they were recording jff (just for fun), Ralph wouldn't let Paige change the song, which she had difficulty singing because it was too high. It took us literally 15 minutes for him to unwillingly sing the song EVEN WHEN PAIGE WAS PLEADING. And no, he didn't joke around when he was subtly refusing Paige's request. I mean, that's that was kind of rude. I mean, she pleaded with you, that's like legit disrespect to refuse a girl. I mean it's a small thing, but small things like that actually really matter.
Ralph did not leave a good impression.


Amy - 0


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