Sunday, November 18, 2012

Tragedy Strikes


Dear Nerd boy whom I met during fair,

I only got to talk to you because of a silly dare, and I know you couldn't see through my thick black shades but you were staring right into my eyes. Haha everything about you is adorable, and the fact that you don't know it makes you even more adorable. It sucks that we didn't talk about anything else aside from how much the bottled water was.

and it's a tragedy I never got your name and I'll never see you again.

The girl in the Ray-Ban shades.

Nerd boy has:
a cute smile
cute nerd glasses
piercing eyes
a tall body
tousled black hair
khaki pants
black shirt

I'd put my doodle here, but I'm too lazy to scan and upload it :(


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