Dear Hyde,

I am perhaps, the laziest person in the whole wide world...well maybe not the whole wide world, but you get the point.
This whole second term, the only time I remember studying was when I was with Paige and Macy and I was actually just pressured into participating. It's only like, the second week of the second term and I've already received a letter from the year level coordinator concerning my tardiness and infractions. 5 days of continuously being tardy and 3 counts of infraction for using my phone, to be specific. It's terrible, this could affect my future like, a great deal!
I feel like these things don't really matter. My parents aren't pushing me to do any better. Like, I used to think it was awesome how they didn't pressure me at all and they didn't scold me about how horrible my grades were or my punctuality or anything. In fact, I'm still really happy about it. I mean, everyone else is raging about how their parents are never content with the amount of effort they exert, and honestly, that's a shame.
I'd never want to be in that position. So I'm extremely grateful for that.
But lately, I'm starting to realize that I actually need a little pressure because I'm finding it extremely hard to discipline myself. I need help.
10.11.12 (the date is really cool!)
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